NKU Digital Planroom


RFP NKU-46-2024 Offline/Traditional Media Buying Agency

RFP NKU-46-2024 Offline/Traditional Media Buying Agency


Company Contact

Northern Kentucky University
Holly Vasquez


Highland Heights

Pre-Bid Information

Pre-Bid Information

Bid Information

Bid Information

06/12/2024 02:00 PM ET



Northern Kentucky University is soliciting proposals for traditional/offline advertising media buying services. The selected contractor(s) will work with the Office of Marketing & Communications to achieve the University’s goals for growth. The selected vendor(s) will use data-driven, innovative, and strategic targeted traditional/offline marketing tactics to achieve greater enrollment for NKU. NKU is looking for strategic partner(s) — sophisticated, engaged firms with differentiated subject matter expertise and a proven, results-oriented background in acquisition marketing to help expand its overall market position and reach potential students throughout the school-selection process. We are looking to accomplish this through the development and execution of a comprehensive and integrated offline media plan. Targeted demographics include both prospective students and their families.
